Wednesday, July 31, 2019

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes Essay

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were two important philosophers from the seventeenth century. The two were born nearly 50 years apart – Hobbes in 1588 and Locke in 1632 – and yet, they each managed to have a major impact on their time and our own. The philosophical viewpoints of Locke and Hobbes are, in most cases, in strict opposition of each other. There are certain points at which the theories of both men collide; however, their synonymous beliefs are exactly the point at which their theories begin to diverge again. John Locke is considered to be the first of the British Empiricists, who believed that in order to truly gain knowledge of a certain thing, any individual would first have to experience something from which they would gain that knowledge. He is thought to be one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and contributors to liberal theory. His writings influenced many other famous philosophers, such as Voltaire and Rousseau, as well as the American revolutionaries. The Declaration of Independence clearly shows his influence. Locke attended the Westminster School in London under the sponsorship of Alexander Popham, a member of British Parliament. He would later attend Christ Church at the University of Oxford. It was here that Locke became heavily interested in the works of Modern philosophers, such as Descartes. Locke and other Empiricists rejected the notion of innate ideas – that is, the belief that human beings are born with ideas that are â€Å"otherworldly,† or known to us before we enter this life. Locke indulged in a theory which he dubbed tabula rasa, or â€Å"blank slate† in Latin. Following this theory, an individual would be born knowing nothing, and would therefore, only learn and gain knowledge by living and experiencing many things in their everyday life. Thomas Hobbes was raised by his uncle, Francis, as were his three siblings. He attended the Westport Church at age four for education, and then moved to the Malmesbury school, and further, onto a private school kept by a man named Rober Latimer, who was a graduate of Oxford University. Hobbes later attended Hertford College, a constituent college of Oxford University. He became fast friends with the son of William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of Devonshire, with whom he attended a grand tour in 1610. During the tour, Hobbes and Cavendish were exposed to European scientific and critical methods, which were in contrast to what Hobbes had been taught in his time at Oxford. Although Hobbes was closely linked to figures such as Francis Bacon, he did not become heavily involved in philosophy until after the year 1629. Hobbes lived during a time of great disturbance in Europe. The Thirty Years’ War lasted from 1618 until 1648. During this time, soldiers were rampant throughout villages, and they acted as they pleased –raping women, destroying entire villages and cities, and leaving any living beings who were lucky enough to live without shelter or sustenance. In consequence of the fact that Hobbes bore witness to these types of situations, his outlook on human nature was understandably somber. Locke and Hobbes were able to agree on one point: all men are equal by nature; yet, their reasoning for this statement varies. Like Hobbes, Locke believed that human nature allowed men to be selfish. However, in contrast to Hobbes’ theory that men will choose violence over peace, Locke insists that human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. In his publication in 1651, Leviathan, Hobbes proclaimed that while man does voluntarily commit some acts of goodness, man is not, naturally, good. The object of those voluntary acts, he believed, was essentially to do some good to the individual who performed them. Locke’s outlook on human nature was somewhat optimistic. He believed that each individual person has the will and the freedom to think and do as they please, and that people are naturally inclined to live according to reason. Therefore, one can ultimately assume that Locke definitely believed in humans existing in harmony with one another. Locke believes that all men are created equal because they are born into a state of freedom that allows them to be equal; Hobbes believes that all men are equal because they are all equally despicable. Both Hobbes and Locke believed that there was a sort of â€Å"social contract† between individual citizens and the ruling government. This Leviathan, as Hobbes proposed, would define the rights and duties of each party. Hobbes believed that once the contract was instituted, it would be irrevocable. No individual would be able to change their individual rights at a later time, and the government would ultimately have power over them from then on. Locke saw the agreement as less binding. Because he believed that each individual was born with certain natural rights that no other human being could revoke, the contract between the individuals and the state would always be conditional – meaning that individuals retained the option to withdraw their consent and preserve those natural rights whenever they saw fit. I believe that Hobbes and Locke both had ideas that were based on their own experiences in their lifetimes. Being a person that has come after both of them, I have had the chance to read and try to understand both viewpoints, and I can see where their opinions would differ, and speculate as to why. Even today, living conditions in certain areas differ greatly, and can have a dramatic effect on a person’s view of things. It is even quite possible for two neighbors to have opinions differing as greatly as Hobbes’ and Locke’s. Because the majority of Hobbes’ life was spent experiencing pain and anguish inflicted by other humans, he believed other humans to be evil. Locke did not see such wrongdoing in his time; rather, he saw a time of peace and prosperity. Therefore, he would not have assumed that humans were naturally evil beings. I think that we are lucky to have lived after so many great thinkers have. Both Hobbes and Locke proposed viewpoints that we are free to combine and contort, if we so choose, and we already have some of the thinking laid out for us by those men. Humans may or may not be naturally good beings; we probably will not be able to say for sure until we have left this world. However, we may not have had much to ponder if it were not for John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth Essay

Corruption has been around for a very long time and will be around in the future unless governments can figure out effective ways to combat it. This is not going to be easy. Corruption in any form is treated as an incurable disease cause of many social and economic evils in the society and it damages the moral and ethical fibers of the civilization .Indisputably, it is correct that corruption breeds many evils in the society & once corruption start take place ,slowly and gradually whole country passes through its net and it becomes after some time incurable diseases .from the economic point of view ,there seem to be no clear cut correlation between corruption and the economic growth of a country. There may be some social maladies like inequality of income among the people ,moral degradation of people due to the prevalence of corruption ,the parameter of economic growth which are taken on percentage or an average basis are entirely different To begin with, in the presence of corruption, businessmen are often made aware that an up-front bribe is required before an enterprise can be started and that afterwards corrupt officials may lay claim to part of the proceeds from the investment. Businessmen therefore interpret corruption as a species of tax–though of a particularly pernicious nature, given the need for secrecy and the uncertainty that the bribe-taker will fulfill his part of the bargain–that diminishes their incentive to invest. Empirical evidence suggests that corruption lowers investment and retards economic growth to a significant extent. Moreover, when it takes the form of tax evasion or claiming improper tax exemptions, corruption may bring about loss of tax revenue. What is more, the allocation of public procurement contracts through a corrupt system may lead to lower quality of infrastructure and public services. Then, Corruption may distort the composition of government expenditure. Corruption may tempt government officials to choose government expenditures  less on the basis of public welfare than on the opportunity they provide for extorting bribes. Large projects whose exact value is difficult to monitor may present lucrative opportunities for corruption. A priori, one might expect that it is easier to collect substantial bribes on large infrastructure projects or high-technology defense systems than on textbooks or teachers’ salaries. So far Indian economic is concerned the slow progress is the result of lack of decision making at higher level .Many politician who take money but could not enforce their will because of powerful lobby of bureaucrats at many place and a democracy like India ,voice of media ,voice of opposition could suppress the wish of the leader . India’s economic growth on an average 6 % GDP despite considerable corruption is because of the stability and the liberalized measure taken by the present govt., gradual privatization of various sector, reducing bureaucratic intervention in routine work & other measure adopted by govt. In brief it can be concluded that corruption and economic growth has no clear correlation .strong institution, political stability, fast and reasonability in decision taking are some of the requirement for fast economic growth.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability Essay

QUESTION 1 What international events influenced the development of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability? List the key developments and events in a short 1-page point-form account providing the relevant names of events and dates/ years in which they took place 1) The 1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment – Stockholm It led directly to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which became the first UN agency to have its headquarters located outside of Europe and North America – in Nairobi in Kenya, East Africa. Among the first tasks given to the UNEP was to establish term ‘environmental education’. Together with Unesco, UNEP organised the first International Workshop on Environmental Education in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1975 and following on this, the first Inter-governmental Conference on Environmental Education held at Tbilisi in the USSR in 1977. This conference resulted in the declaration of 12 principals – now referred to as the Tbilisi Principals of Environmental Education which provided the framework and guidelines for the practise of environmental education on a global, regional, and national scale. The 1987 International Conference on Environmental Education held in Moscow reaffirmed the Tbilisi Principals as sound guidelines for t he development of national environment al education programmes. 2) The Tbilisi Principles of Environmental Education Consider the environment in its totality – natural and built, technological and social (economic, political, cultural-historical, moral, aesthetic) Be a continuous lifelong process, beginning at the preschool level and continuing through all formal and non-formal stages Be interdisciplinary in its approach, drawing on the specific content of each discipline in making possible a holistic and balanced perspective Examine major environmental issues from local, national, regional, and international points of view so that students receive insights into environmental conditions in other geographical areas Focus on current and potential environmental situations while taking into account the historical perspective Promote value of, and necessity for local, national, and international cooperation in the prevention and solution of environmental problems Explicitly consider environmental aspects in plans for the development and growth Enable  learners to have a role in planning their learning experiences and provide an opportunity for making decisions and accepting their consequences Enable learners to have a role in planning their learning experiences and provide an opportunity for making decisions and accepting their consequences Relate environmental sensitivity, knowledge. Problem-solving skills and values clarification to every age, but with special emphasis on environmental sensitivity to the learner’s own community in early years Help learners discover the symptoms and real causes of environmental problems Emphasise the complexity of environmental problems and thus the need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills Utilise diverse learning environments and a broad array of educational approaches to teaching/ learning about and from the environment, with due stress on practical activities and first-hand experience 3) The 1992 Rio Earth Summit The 1992 Earth Summit focused on the role of environmental education as an educational response to the environmental crisis. Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 (UNCED, 1992), was one of the key documents to emerge from the conference , emphasises the need for wide-scale environmental educational programmes in diverse settings, while the â€Å"BioDiversity Convention† includes education and capacity building , as do many of the other international conventions aimed at responding to a wide range of environmental issues Agenda 21 describes environmental education processes that involve teachers and learners in â€Å"promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of people to address environment and development issues† illustrating the close link between changes in the field of environmental education and the prominence of the notion of sustainable development at the Rio Earth Summit. A development linked to the 1992 Earth Summit was the development of a Treaty on Environmental Education for Sustainable Societies, which was adopted at a plenary meeting by the International Forum of NGOs and Social Movements 4) The NGO Forum Principals Education is the right of all; we are all learners and educators Environmental education, whether formal, non-formal or informal, should grounded in critical and innovative thinking in any place or time, promoting the transformation and construction of society Environment education is both  individual and collective. It aims to develop local and global citizenship with respect for self-determination and the sovereignty of nations Environmental education is not neutral but it value-based. It is an act for social transformation Environmental education must involve a holistic approach and thus an interdisciplinary focus in the relation between human beings, nature and the universe Environmental education must stimulate solidarity, equality, and respect for the human rights involving democratic strategies and an open climate of cultural interchange Environmental education should treat critical global issues, their causes and interrelationship in a systematic approach and within their social and historical contexts. Environmental education must recover, recognise, respect, reflect and utilise indigenous history and local cultures, as well as promote cultural, linguistic and ecological diversity. Environmental education must facilitate equal partnerships in the processes decision making at all levels and stages Environmental education should empower all peoples and promote opportunity for grassroots democratic change and participation. Environmental education values all different forms of knowledge. Knowledge is diverse, cumulative and socially produced and should not be patented or monopolised Environmental education must be designed to enable people to handle conflicts in just and humane ways Environmental education must stimulate dialogue and cooperation among individuals and institutions in order to create new lifestyles which are based on meeting everyone’s basic needs, regardless of ethnic gender, age, religious, class, physical or mental differences Environmental education requires a democratisation of the mass media and its commitment to the interest of all sectors of society. Environmental education must integrate knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and actions Education must help develop and ethical awareness of all forms of life with humans share this planet, respect all life cycles, and impose limits on human’s exploitation of other forms of life. QUESTION 2 The IUCN defines environmental education as follows: Environmental education is a process during which values are discovered and concepts are explained in order to develop skills and attitudes pertaining  to an appreciation of the relationship between man, his culture and his biophysical environment. Environment education also includes the practise of decision-making and the formulation of personal code of conduct on matters affecting the quality of the environment. In a school context, you observe the following: Paper and litter is strewn over the whole school and the school grounds are unkempt Lights are left on in classrooms and offices after school is over Taps are usually left dripping  As an environmental educator you realise that this an opportunity to educate the learners and the staff at your school about the environment issues observed and to help them take action to respond to these issues. Briefly explain: 3) What values you can teach the school in relation to the observed environmental issues? The importance of a clean environment is a healthy environment. We can teach children the importance of recycling. 4) What skills need to be developed to address the problems? We need to educate learners the threats that litter causes to the environment e.g. litter can be a fire hazard; it could harm or kill animals, can block waterways, litter looks bad and is an eyesore for anybody. 5) What attitudes need to be developed in the school? Learners and children need to develop a positive attitude, to involve the entire school in a recycling programme, which can be extended to the community. 6) What decisions need to be made by the school management to address these issues? Create awareness by providing recycling bins for paper, glass and plastic. Pick an area on a weekly basis and involve the learners and parents to participate in cleaning up the area. Have awareness meetings with the learners, have charts in the classrooms, go on field trips. 7) What code of conduct needs to be developed for learners in the school to address these issues? The rules of the school have to be strict, children are to receive detention if they are caught littering. QUESTION 3 Education for sustainability and education for sustainable development are very prominent in this decade for sustainable development. Answer the  following questions regarding this: 3.1 Define the term sustainable development Sustainable development means ensuring the dignified living conditions with regard to human rights by creating and maintaining the widest possible range of options for freely defining life plans 3.2 Name two ecological indicators of sustainability Consumption and generation of waste are minimised Renewable, non-toxic energy sources are used and/ or disposed of to the benefit of the environment and community 3.3 Name two social indicators of sustainability There are adequate opportunities/ technologies for communication within the community and for connecting, as is appropriate, with the worldwide community The talents, skills and other resources of the community are shared freely within the community, and offered outside the community, to serve the greater good 3.4 Name two spiritual indicators of sustainability Cultural vitality is sustained through artistic and other cultural activities and celebrations There is a capacity for flexibility and successful responsiveness to difficulties that arise QUESTION 4 Discuss how you can apply five (5) Tbilisi principals of Environmental Education in teaching an environment education topic of your choice Assessment guide: Your chosen topic has to be an environmental issue that environmental education will be responding to. You need to list the 5 principals and for each principle explain how you will fully incorporate it into the chosen topic. Use the framework below for your answer: Environmental Topic: Tbilisi Principle Application of the principle to the topic 1.consider the environment in its totality Learners are to respect the environment 2.focus on current & potential environment situations Think on the current problems and the problems that can arise in the future if not dealt with now learners discover the symptoms & real causes of environmental problems Educate learners on how these problems are caused and how to detect them early on 4.emphasis the complexity of environmental problems and the need to develop critical thinking and problem solving Discuss with learners the hazards of environmental problems and ways to prevent them 5.enable learners to have a role in planning their learning experiences Group studies, sharing and brainstorming QUESTION 5 Discuss learning in environmental education under the following headings 5.1 environmental learning strategies or approaches Active Learning Learners should not only learn about the environment, but should also be active participants in the learning situation in environment education Authentic Learning Learning about real environmental threats and problems, and looking for real solutions to these challenges. It also implies active, hands-on learning Problem Solving With the correct guidance and support, learners will make a genuine effort to solve problems if they are real and especially if adults have been unable to find a solution. Critical Thinking Many outcomes for environmental learning include the phrase: â€Å"Learners should critically engage with†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This implies a higher dimension of thought and requires learners to acquire a lot of information on different perspectives associated with an environmental problem, issue or risk if their critical engagement is to be meaningful. 5.2 principles for environmental learning To ensure a holistic approach to learning in environmental education, the following principals should be taken into account Environmental learning is based on knowledge, which is needed to study and solve environmental problems and to address environmental challenges Environmental learning should develop the skills needed to study and solve environmental problems and to address environmental challenges Environmental learning should include the affective domain, specifically the attitudes, values and  commitments needed to ensure a sustainable society 5.3 learners Age Environmental learning should be age appropriate for it to succeed. Learners in different age groups have different learning abilities and exhibit different characteristics Auditory Learners Auditory learners prefer to learn through listening. Typical auditory learning activities in environmental education are listening to verbal presentations on environmental topics and discussions on environmental issues Visual Learners Visual learners prefer learning through seeing. The more visual the presentation, the better it is. In a formal learning situation, visual learners need to see the environmental educators body language and facial expressions to fully understand the content of a presentation Tactile/ kinaesthetic learners Tactile learners prefer learning through touching, moving, and doing. Outdoor learning suits them well, as they prefer a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them 5.4 inclusive learning in environmental education Inclusive environmental education means More students with barriers to learning in regular environments, more of the time, in more meaningful activities Having additional learning options for meeting the variety of needs of individual learners Mainstreaming learners and offering support, resources and help where needed 5.5 The learning environment in environmental education A learning should be functional and should correspond as closely as possible to the situations in which learning is to applied A learning environment should encourage activity and should engage learners in an interactive and integrated way A learning environment should be lifelike, or at least relate to reality, to ensure that learners can experience what the learning can be used for. A learning environment should contain models, and coaching  should be provided by an expert teacher QUESTION 6 The purpose of this question is to help you master the skill of preparing a lesson for your subject in which you integrate Environmental Education Design a lesson where you indicate how an environmental theme can be taught in your subject. The following should receive attention: Indicate the environmental topic (e.g. pollution, global warming, acid mine water, desertification, deforestation, overuse of resources such as fishing, etc.) Indicate the lesson aims (identify the relevant environmental skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values to be addressed by the lesson) Indicate the environmental content you will use to present the lesson Include learning activities for introduction, middle, and conclusion of lesson Include teacher activities for introduction, middle, and conclusion of lesson Integrate at least two Tbilisi principles in your lesson (how can two Tbilisi principles are used in the school context). Indicate the values you would like learners to accept (e.g. care for the environment, action on behalf of the environment, etc.) Indicate the environmental concepts you would like learners to understand and indicate how you will go about teaching the concepts (e.g. biodiversity, environment, etc.). Indicate the skills learners should master (e.g. Learners must be able to make compost or start a food garden or recycle paper, etc.). Reflect on how successful you were in integrating Environmental education in your lesson.

The various exit strategies that investors may use and the Essay

The various exit strategies that investors may use and the implications for commercialization - Essay Example The exit strategy of the investors is in line with the objectives of the organization and the plans for future growth (Mayo, 2010). The various methods of liquidating the stakes of the company include issuance of the Initial Public Offerings, Merger and Acquisition, Sell-out of the company and transfer of shares to another family member. The exit strategies of the investors are also influenced by the objectives of commercialization that requires attaining the best price for exit of the investment position. Exit strategies used by investors The majority of the stakes in an organization are held by the shareholders who have invested in the companies for future growth with an objective of the maximization of wealth. The attraction of investors by the organization depends on the provision of exit strategies provided to them. The exit strategies of the investors provide them with the opportunity to liquidate their investments in the companies in terms of converting their shareholdings int o cash amounts. The exit strategy of the investors falls in the same line with that of the organization which demands a higher market price against the prevailing intrinsic value of the stocks (Butler, 1993). The investors may be institutional investors or venture capitalists or angel investors who own the equity of the business from the time of start up. The investors look for a high return from the investments and an exit strategy over a period of 3 to 7 years. The exit strategies of the investors revolve around the management decisions of issuance of IPO of the company, entering into the process of the mergers and acquisitions, sell out of the company stakes or hand-over of business to another member of the family. The companies look to issue Initial Public Offering by selling the shares held by the held by stakeholders to the public for trading in the public stock exchange. In the process of issue of shares to the public, the investors would be able to liquidate their position a nd exit their position of investments (Northcott, 1992). When the investors sell a part of the stake, the investors loose their ownership control over the decisions of the management. In cases where merger and acquisition takes place, the buy out of the company by another larger player would enable the investors to exit their position of shareholdings in the company. In the process of merger and acquisition, the stocks bought by the acquiring company make provision for the investors of the acquired company to exit their position of investment. In case of sell-out of the company to another player in the industry, the existing investors would be able to cash out their investments in the company. The handover of the management to another family business could also be an exit strategy for the investors in order to cash out their investments. Implications of commercialization The aspect of commercialization has significant implications on the exit strategy of the investors. The various c onsiderations from the point of view of commercialization are the time of exit for the investors from their position of investment, the target group to which the stakes of the company should be sold and the method of exit preferred by the company. The objective of commercializat

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Epidemiologists Analyzing Disease Frequency Essay

Epidemiologists Analyzing Disease Frequency - Essay Example Measures: Attributable proportion among total population is the appropriate measure. In the present scenario, freshman students who gained weight in a period of one year are calculated from total freshman college students. Total number of college student is the denominator. Measures: The cumulative incidence is a measure of occurrence of new cases of the disease of interest in the population. It is the proportion of individuals who, on an average, will contract the disease of interest over a specified period of time. The estimated risk (R) is a proportion between the new cases and the persons at risk. The numerator is the number of newly affected persons (A), called cases by epidemiologist, and the denominator is the size (N) of the unaffected population. R= New cases (A)/Persons at risk (N) Prevalence indicates the number of existing case of the disease of interest within a population. Specifically, the point prevalence (P) refers to the proportion of a population that has the disease of interest at a particular time, for example, on a given day. This value is estimated by dividing the number of existing affected individuals or cases (C), by the number of persons in the population (N). Prevalence (P) = Cases(C) / Number of people (P) Measures: Relative risk (RR) is the ratio of the incidence of the disease or death among those exposed and the incidence among those who are not exposed. The term 'risk ratio' is also used to refer to relative risk. RR = incidence among exposed / incidence among unexposed. In this case, the incidence is 60/1000 among those exposed and 20/1000 among those who are unexposed. Therefore, the relative risk is 60/20 = 3. This indicates that risk of death among exposed group is 3 times than that of the unexposed group. The prevalence of a health condition is the existing number of cases of that condition in the population. State whether the factors listed below are likely to increase or decrease the prevalence of a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing new ventures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing new ventures - Essay Example Happy Pet Supplies will participate in social and community development activities with an aim of building its reputation as a socially responsible organization. The organization will engage in rigorous marketing of its products both within and outside London even for the first year of its operation. Marketing campaigns will be carried out at various times depending on the seasons and convenience to potential customers. 12. As earlier stated, the initial capital needed to establish the business is $33, 000. This amount is expected to be enough to support the company fully in its initial stages of establishment. This amount was contributed by various parties as outlined below. 13. It is estimated that on average, the company will sell feeders worth  £ 6,000, feeds worth  £ 2,000, Kennels worth  £ 5,000 and Shampoos worth  £ 3,000. The company also expects to sell accessories worth  £ 4,000 per month its total daily revenue amounting to about $834. The expected monthly revenue is  £ 20,000. The second year is expected to bring a pretax profit plus interest totaling  £ 181,000 and a closing balance of  £ 102,000. The third year is expected to have a pretax profit plus interest of  £ 220,000 and a closing balance of  £

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ralph K. Andrist's The Long Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ralph K. Andrist's The Long Death - Essay Example achinery, the railroad, concepts of private property, and the capitalist economic system all served to further isolate the Indians both geographically and economically. By 1864, the Native territory had been shrunk and was on a path to the coming reservation system that would be the death knell for the Indian culture and way of life. The violence that began at Sand Creek in 1864 culminated in the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre and signaled the passing of the great North American Indian civilizations. While the violence against the Native Americans did not begin at Sand Creek in 1864, it was the most egregious violation of human rights that had been perpetrated on the Indians to that date. In the early morning hours of November 29, 1864 US soldiers from the Colorado Territory militia and cavalry brutally attacked a Cheyenne settlement that was occupied by some 700 unarmed inhabitants, mostly women and children (Andrist 91). The Indians had been isolated on a small tract of land to make their territory available to the Gold Rush. Estimates vary on the number killed, but may have been as high as 500 fatalities. This was a peaceful village that had been led to believe that they were under the protection of the Army. In the summer of 1864 John Evans, Governor of Colorado, issued a proclamation of safety for all Plains Indians that demonstrated their peaceful intentions by placing themselves in the custody of the Army (Keenan 104). The Indians were told to fly an American flag as a sh ow of their loyalty as a means of protection. However, the American flag and a subsequent white flag both went unheeded as the troops attacked. The commanding officer at Sand Creek, Colonel Chivington, ordered the attack and was personally responsible for the degree of brutality exhibited. Prior to the onslaught Colonel Chivington "believed it to be right and honorable to use any means under Gods heaven to kill Indians that would kill women and children and damn any man that was in sympathy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art and psychoanalysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art and psychoanalysis - Essay Example Upon hearing about the bombing of Guernica, Picasso started sketching a mural. â€Å"He drew screaming women and children, perhaps inspired by his fear that harm might come to his own baby daughter. He seemed haunted by the many faces of anguish.†1 Although the woman holding a wounded child is in Guernica, she is also in many other works of Picasso. This woman is of different color and shape, but can be identified throughout Picasso’s other works. One source reports: Characters that typically appear in these paintings reappear in Picassos paintings as well. Theres usually quite clearly a suffering woman, someone whos screaming, a woman with a child whos been injured, or may even be dead.2 As suggested above, maybe Picasso was thinking of his daughter. However if this is true, why did Picasso distort the images? The distorted images seem to speak of an underlying emotion in his subconscious. It must be noted that Picasso had an art background. His father was a painter as well. Picasso could have drawn and painted in more realistic terms. One source reports, "Picasso was very properly trained in the grand tradition of painting, allegorical painting about universal themes: the horrors of war, the massacres of the innocents.†3 Picasso could have used photos from Guernica to make a more realistic picture. Instead â€Å"Picasso was able to take that traditional academic motif and actually rework it and make it relevant again to this particular time and this particular circumstance, I think is really one of his great achievements in this painting."4 Picasso did not make a realistic picture due to a deep unconscious need inside. Picasso had a subliminal problem that was deeply rooted in his psyche. It might be the death of his sister. Picasso’s mother might have shut down with grief after the death of her daughter. This could have made Picasso have deeply buried animosity toward his mother for the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Special topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Special topics - Essay Example While trying to maintain a balance with justice by providing food and medicine sources, peacekeeping and justice cannot work together in these instances. Bratt writes, â€Å"Although we may find that peace can exist without justice, there will never be justice without peace.† Through his extensive list of examples, Bratt proves this point. Justice is entirely dependent on the creation of peace in a state at war and cannot be executed correctly without peace. Bratt calls upon numerous examples to demonstrate his point. For example, the issue with picking a side to punish in the aftermath of war often encourages groups to keep fighting. The side that is punished is the result of a loss, not necessarily the group that committed the most atrocities. This also brings new challenges to justice seeking missions because supplying food, water, medicine, and even arms only perpetuates the desire to fight. Also, the image of imperialism can be seen through peacekeeping missions, especially with the presence of the Permanent Five many of which were once colonizers of areas with internal strife. Peacekeeping then takes on a whole new image and convolutes the issue between justice and peace even more. Bratt’s argument is convincing even though it advocates administering justice after peace. The question of preserving human life cannot be answered solely through the search for justice, but must be supported by a pact of peace between warring fa ctions within a country. The NIEO or New International Economic Organization was a product of the Second World War and the United Nations first attempt to address the issue of world economic inequality. The General Assembly convened in order to study the world economic problems especially the role of wealthier countries in the development or underdevelopment of smaller and economically inferior nations. The western world’s preoccupation with oil was a deciding force in the change of ideology behind the

Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security Essay

Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security - Essay Example Social Media includes internet sites which facilitate the communication between individuals with the help of pictures, videos and writings. This essay will focus on the role of Social Media Marketing in the business profit generation. The researcher would consider the contribution of Social Media in marketing activities of Pepsi. In the later stage, the paper would consider several other empirical case studies and enumerate the importance of Social Media Marketing in future. The learnt from the essay would help to understand the importance of internet commercial segments (Bosari, 2012). Growing Popularity of Social Media Marketing CompuServe was the first Social Media networking site, established in United States in the 19th century. With the rise in literacy levels and the progress in technology, the proportion of internet users has increased significantly. Currently, famous social networking sites like, Youtube, are viewed by approximately 4 billion viewers per day. About 1.11 bill ion individuals across the world are regular users of Facebook and the viewership ratings for Twitter are about 500 million (Bosari, 2012). In the contemporary world, such sites are used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The corporate business firms often use Social Media for marketing their products to the consumers. In the theory of Customer Behavior Management, Customer Relationship Management plays a pivotal role. There are various reasons for which Social Media Marketing has become so popular in the modern days. There are: Social Media helps the companies to easily reach a wider base of customers across different marketplaces. The marketing activities through Social Media are relatively less costly that the other forms of traditional marketing methods. Online shopping has become a popular shopping destination in the modern world. The growing popularity of the digital marketplaces has forced the companies to set marketing strategies through internet media. Most of the consumers today are preoccupied with their daily activities. The proportion of television or radio viewers is much lesser than the proportion of the internet users. Thus, marketing consumer goods and services in the social networking sites helps the companies to reach out to a wider customer base, within the least possible time. Special Media marketing activities of the companies help to reduce their cost of marketing. The accumulated finances which are saved can be used by the companies for the purpose of growth and development. Social Media marketing is a more comprehensive, flexible and trendy form of marketing as opposed to the traditional methods (Bosari, 2012). Figure 1: Growing Popularity of Social Media Marketing (Source: Acra, 2012) The above bar graph shows that among all the different uses of internet media, Social Media is the most popular of them. Figure 2: Steps of Purchase (Source: Acra, 2012) The above graph shows the marketing stages. Figure 3: Social Fieldwork Cycle (Source: Acra, 2012) The above graph shows that social media marketing gives the maximum importance to ‘consumerism’. Advantages and Disadvantages There are various types of advantages and disadvantages of Social Media marketing. Advantages Social Media marketing activities help to enhance the business-to-customer relationships. It helps to engage the customers in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Drugs in the world today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drugs in the world today - Essay Example Economic constraints on countries and regions, following unfavorable world economic situations, are among the escalators of cocaine sales in certain parts of the world. The emergence of the growth of the illegal opium in Asia contributed, considerably, to the global spread of cocaine that has occurred over a century. There were trade restrictions on the Chinese empire, by Britain in the 1850s, as part of strategies to end the production and spread of opium. Instead of achieving its goals, the restriction triggered a massive production of illicit opium in the Chinese Empire. The British had placed economic barriers on the Chinese Empire, a move that saw the empire resort to the production of the unwanted opium and subsequently the formation of the Golden Triangle. In the 1910s, there was an increase in the production of illegal opium in China. Restrictions, on trade and other economic acidities, placed on countries producing opium is among the triggers of its production of illegal opi um. Afghanistan produced an estimated ninety tones of opium in 1971, for instance. With intensive restrictions coming from other trade partners of the country because of the production of opium, Afghanistan resorted to dependence on the drug economy. This triggered production to an estimated five hundred tones of opium in 1978 (Chouvy, 2010). Unstable global economic conditions have close relationship with political instability. The drug economy has played a great role in financing the operations of warlords during notable wars of international and local interests. The economic reasons for the rejuvenated growth of the illicit opium were to fund the operations of the warlords on China, which experienced political instability in the 1910s. ... The demand for funds by warlords in the Cold War also triggered an increase in the production of the illegal opium to for financial support of operations of the war. Central America and the Northern Andes are among the most notable areas where the illicit substance trafficking is a serious business and remains an intimidation to the strategies to end illegal drugs (Marcy, 2010). In the Latin America, for instance, narcotics play a great economic role that renders it a challenge to wage war on drugs. The world economy has serious influence in the high spread of narcotic drugs sales in countries as Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. The 1979 change in the cost of oil, globally, triggered the three countries to depend on the sales of narcotics, for instance. The sales of coca and cocaine remained one of the activities that would support the countries because of the reduced income from other sources as export of agricultural products. Because of the significant reduction of the cost of exports of these countries, there was an escalation in their foreign debt amount. To compensate, the countries resorted to sale of narcotics. This elaborates the role of the world economy in triggering the spread of cocaine and posing a challenge to the various anti-drug policies. Question two Cocaine and heroin are the top most addictive drug substances. However, the two drugs display certain extent of pharmacological differences as well as distinctions in their social effects. They have different tastes with cocaine containing a rather unique flavor when consumed while heroin has high level of bitterness upon consumption. The effects of cocaine have no antidotes for suppressions, as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay Example for Free

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay In â€Å"Americanism,† Theodore Roosevelt describes the meaning of hyphenated Americans and their lives in the United States. There was no room in Roosevelt’s America for immigrants or sons of immigrants, who cling to the speech, the customs, the way of life, and the habits of thought from the old world which they have left. The hyphenated American is not an American at all. Those immigrants who hyphenated their Americanism, modifying it with the land of their or their parents’ birth, were and could not be true Americans. These Americans also can vote and be the primarily citizen of a foreign country. Roosevelt writes that the foreign-born population must be an Americanized population. They must talk the language of its native-born fellow-citizens; possess American citizenship, American ideas and maintain an American standard of living. The immigrants must not to be allowed to drift or to be put at the mercy of the exploiter. According to Roosevelt, America cannot afford to keep a lot of immigrants as industrial assets and not as human beings. We also cannot pay low wages to immigrants, and keep immigrants working on American mines, railways or working in our munitions plants because it is dangerous. All United States citizens must stand shoulder to shoulder for the elimination of race and religious prejudice. We must also improve maintenance of the American standard of living; direct every national resource, material and spiritual, and train our people to overcome difficulties. We can do all this work in a democratic country where all people have equal rights and hopes for a good future life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Ethylene on Musa Acuminata Ripeness

Effect of Ethylene on Musa Acuminata Ripeness Introduction The purpose of the experiment is to determine whether the amount of ethylene would affect the rate of ripeness of Musa acuminata. It is hypothesized that the amount of ethylene does affect the rate of ripeness of M. acuminata. The more the ethylene, the faster M. acuminata will ripen. This is because it stimulates plant response when it gets to the plant tissue. It is hypothesized that the banana with two slices of apple will ripen the fastest, followed by the banana with one slice of apple, and finally the control group, which consists of only a banana and no apples. Ethylene, also known as ethene, is a naturally occurring gas that is produced by ripening fruits. The chemical formula for ethylene is C2H4. Ethylene, which is shown in Figure 1, is a member of the alkene family, which includes any chemical that contains two carbons connected by a double bond and two other single bonds can be formed for each carbon (1, 2, 3). Ethylene can be used intentionally to ripen fruits. Some characteristics of ethylene are that its vapors from a boiling liquid are lighter than air and thus can rise easily, that it can easily be ignited, that it is not toxic at all (4). Ethylene affects plants by influencing plants growth, development, and how long they can be stored. External sources of ethylene can also have similar influence on fruits. A fruit produces significantly more ethylene during some stages of its development and when there are abiotic or biotic changes happening to it. A plant is affected and influenced when it is exposed to ethylene in the environment surrounding it or when it is close to a fruit that is producing excessive amounts of ethylene. The main purpose of having external sources of ethylene is to ripen fruits (1). Ethylene can only be produced under a condition where there is enough oxygen and not too much of carbon dioxide. The same condition must happen for ethylene to influence the fruits. Ethylene is spread throughout the fruit by diffusion. The rate of the production and diffusion depends what the stage of plant development that the plant is going through (1). Climacteric fruits, such as tomato, apple, pear, and melon, are those that increase the amount of ethylene significantly during the process of ripening. On the other hand, non-climacteric fruits, such as grape, orange, and pineapple, are those fruits that do not produce an excessive amount of ethylene during the process of ripening (1). Ethylene can only affect nearby tissue when it is produced in climacteric fruits or fruits that are injured. Examples of injured fruits or vegetables are when they are peeled, sliced, cut, or any kind of preparation or processing actions. For non-climacteric fruits that are not ripening yet, ethylene can reduce or slow down the production of itself. That means that when it is not ripening, a fruit that follows that criteria will not ripen so fast since the production of ethylene is stopped by ethylene itself. When climacteric fruits start to ripen, the ethylene leads to its own synthesis and a lot more of ethylene is produced. Because of this, the concentration of ethylene in the fruit increases rapidly and reaches such a high level that external ethylene source no longer has effects on the fruit (1). There is little effect when the external source of ethylene for fruits like apples and bananas is reduced, because the fruit itself has the ability to resist the diffusion and the fruit can produce ethylene at a very fast rate that exceeds the rate of diffusion of ethylene leaving the fruit to the surrounding (1). External ethylene source includes other plants, smoke, compressed ethylene gas, and chemicals that release ethylene. When a fruit is has just started to ripen, the concentration of ethylene in the fruit is low. At this time, reducing external ethylene source helps to slow down or delay the process of ripening significantly. When a fruit is wounded, which means that it is damaged, the rate of the production of ethylene increases. This leads to the fruit ripening earlier than normal or at a faster rate. The interactions between ethylene and the plants environment is also shown in Figure 2 (1). Ethylene production can be accelerated when there is external influence, such as injuries or wounds on the fruit. This causes the fruit to ripen faster since more ethylene was being produced. However, the result of external influence and internal development ultimately results in the same thing causing the fruit to ripen faster. As a result, it is difficult to tell if the fruit was ripening at a faster rate because it was damaged or if it was at that stage of plant development (5). External and internal ethylene sources like pollution, ethylene in the surrounding, ethylene production, and stress, both abiotic and biotic, all affect the plant tissue. When the plant tissue is influenced, it stimulates plant responses, such as producing excessive amounts of ethylene to start the ripening process (1). One way that this plant response can be delayed or slowed down is to store the fruit in a place like the refrigerator, where the temperature would be low so that the quality of the fruit can be preserved. Since ethylene can only be produced under a condition where there is enough oxygen and not too much carbon dioxide, lowering the amount of oxygen around the fruit can also slow down the process of ripening. In addition, the rate of the process of ripening can also be reduced by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide around the area so that ethylene cannot be produced as effectively (1). Ethylene in bananas causes the banana to lose chlorophyll and turn into a yellow color from a green color. When ethylene is removed or reduced, the color changes can be delayed and the fruit can be stored for a longer period of time (1). Ethylene can cause a fruit to be softened and produce a different or stronger aroma, texture, and taste. Usually, ripened fruits become sweeter than unripe fruits. In addition, the difference of the amount of ascorbic acid between ripened fruits and unripe fruits is not very significant (1). Figure 1: Ethylene Figure 2: Ethylene interactions with plants and environment Bibliography Saltreit, Mikal E. Effect of Ethylene on Quality of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Techonology 15 (1999): 279-92. 11 Nov. 1998. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. ethylene (H2C=CH2). Encyclopaedia Britannia. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 19 Oct. 2016. OLeary, Donal. Alkenes Chemical Properties. Alkenes. 2000. Web 29 Oct. 2016 ETHYLENE. National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2016. Abe, Kazuhiro, and Alley E. Watada. Ethylene Absorbent to Maintain Quality of Lightly Processed Fruits and Vegetables. Journal of Food Science 56 (1991): 1589-592. Web. 19. Oct. 2016.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Young Goodman Brown” “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

The Young Goodman Brown† â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† Thesis: Compare and contrast short stories The Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence’s Introduction Body. Compare and Contrast: Conflict/Plot/Structure Settings Characterization Theme/Authors’ Purposes Tone/Style/Irony/Symbol Introduction â€Å"The Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence’s are more different than similar though they both illustrate the long life fight between good and evil. Moreover, both of them demonstrate the need to be responsible, whether you are parent and need to look after your children, or the moral responsibility that comes from your ethical foundation. In both stories the main character looses his innocence by acting not the way he supposed to or making decisions not up to his worldview. There are outstanding similarities in the themes of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† and â€Å"The Rocking House†. However, there are also several distinctions what make each story brilliant. II. Body The conflict in the story by Lawrence involves the mother not feeling pleased by life, because she believes she got into an unlucky family. This feeling of unhappiness brought her to the idea that she feels no love to her children and to her husband. The conflict of the story develops the theme: her son Paul can feel the tension in the house. What is more, he hears the house talking â€Å"there must be more money†. So Paul rides his rocking-horse until he goes till the end, the end of his life. On the other hand, in the story by Hawthorne the conflict stays between pride and humility, what also stays close to the beginning or to the end ( because his journey into the forest most of all is an allegory which represents the man’s irrational desire to leave his faith.) However, the main conflict of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† is the man versus himself. The conflict that Brown suffers during his journey in the woods is internal what is shown through the details (projections of his unconscious). The devil’s arguments appeared from Brown himself, because when the echoes of the forest mocked him, Brown is projecting his emotional state onto the forest. The setting of Young Goodman Brown is based on the historical background. Moreover, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† takes place during the Puritan Time Period. The action is set within borders of the Salem Village near the old heathen forest. This information makes the reader think of isolation, firstly because the Salem Village was associated with things not similar to Christianity. What is more, the wild and heathen forest itself is the setting which creates the image of evil powers and witchcraft. The forest setting symbolizes the devil, cause it was believed that the forest was the devil’s home. On the other hand, the setting is very different in â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†, where the author does not state the information, the date or time on the story. One can assume that the story takes place somewhere in England, in the times after World War I. The story takes place at home in the area reader does not know about (near or in London). In addition, Lawrence describes the major races in England – in Liverpool, Surrey, South Yorkshire etc. Compared to Goodman’s journey where the setting graduates from light to darkness as he travels, the house (the main setting) in The Rocking-Horse Winner becomes haunted as it absorbs the evil emotions (greed, self-pity) of the mother. So each story is rich with symbols that represent the contrast between good and evil. The protagonist of the story by Lawrence is Paul, other characters are uncle Oscar and mother Hester. Paul is a very young boy who tries to find â€Å"luck†, meaning money for his mother. He begins to ride his rocking horse furiously, even though he has outgrown it, what shows his attitude towards his mother. After making an outstanding amount of money, his mother stays still unhappy. Moreover, Hester (Pauls mother) is incapable of loving others. She does not give much love to her children, so Paul tries to win not only money but also her love and attention. Hester is not only obsessed with money, but she is also irresponsible with the money she does get. However, instead of paying her debts, she spends the money on new things for the house. She also does not express any thanks for this sudden windfall, what defines her negative personality. On the other hand, very generous Paul seems completely unaware that he has overtaken responsibilities that are rightly his parents. In the â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† the protagonist is also a developing character. Moreover, the main character Goodman Brown also shows his innocence as he exists between crowd thinking opinion (belief in inherent goodness) and on the other hand the belief in devil who took the minds of his loved ones. He goes from being confident in his ability to choose rather good than evil, but once he stands before Devil’s altar, he can no longer believe that good always prevails. The character becomes a profoundly disillusioned man who sees wickedness everywhere, including in those closest to him. Another character of the story – the Devil, is also developing character. The reader comes to see him as the darker side of Young Goodman Brown’s character. Other charecters – Goode Cloyse, The Minister and Deacon Gookin serve as dramatic examples of the hypocrisy that may hide in the souls of those who appear most virtuous. These three are distinguished from among t he crowd of townsfolk at the gathering because they represent a standard of piety and godliness that is destroyed for Brown by his experience. There are several themes in the story by Lawrence such as Responsibility; The obsession with wealth and material items is pitted against the responsibilities of parenting in The Rocking-Horse Winner. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide for the children in a family. Generosity and Greed; The disparity between Pauls generosity and his mothers greed is another theme of The Rocking-Horse Winner. Paul generously offers all his winnings to the family, in order to relieve the familys dire need for money. When the mother first receives the news from the lawyer that she has inherited 5,000 pounds from a long-lost relative which will be paid out to her in yearly increments of 1,000 pounds (a scheme dreamed up by Paul), she does not inform the family of their good fortune. Instead, she goes immediately to the lawyer and asks to receive the entire amount right away. Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex Pauls desire to earn money for the family can be said to be an unconscious desire to take his fathers place, a concept that psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud termed the Oedipus complex. Since the main way of earning this money—the rocking horse—is also bound up in sexual imagery, it seems clear that Lawrence intentionally characterizes Paul this way. There are several themes in the story by Hawthorne also, such as: Guilt versus innocence; Alienation versus community; Good versus evil. In the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† Hawthorne unveils the moral vitiation that is a direct result from the highlighting of public morality with a Puritan Society. So the dominant theme of the short story is the inadequacy of public morality what is similar in The Rocking-Horse Winner. This theme is demonstrated in the actions of Brown. For example, when the protagonist sees Goody Cloyse, or hears the voices of the Deacon Gookin and the minister. Goodman Brown had already made the decision to go inside the forest and face the devil, but he hides when other characters enter this scene. He seems to be more worried with the way others perceive his faith, then with the fact that he actually made a step to meet up with the devil. Goodman Brown does not have the genuine faith, but he has one made up of the religious convictions of people surrounding him. Such faith is not real and just gives a wrong foundation to the believer. The style and tone of The Rocking-Horse Winner reveal immediately that this story comes from the world of fable and legend. The distant, solemn tone of the narrator: There was a woman who was beautiful, signals us that this is an old story. Quickly it becomes apparent that this is a quest narrative of some sort. The boy hero will try to win the love of the distant queen/mother. Themes tries to deliver the moral message to the reader what clearly reminds us of a fable. Fable is usually written with animals in it, that is told to illustrate a moral. For example, in â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,† Uncle Oscar tells Paul, â€Å"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush†. This suggests that what we already have is more valuable than what we want but have not yet acquired. Moral message is also delivered in the short story by Hawthorne – the collective thinking does not make you who you are. The morality is something what every person can hold to and not following the crowd will make you who you are. Furthermore, Lawrence uses a lot of ironic situations throughout the story, for example the title; was Paul really a winner? Paul, felt unloved and unwanted, though he tried to bring happiness his mother. Love arouses the deep emotional balance and when it is lacked, brings about irrational behavior. Lawrence uses irony and symbols to lure the reader in and force to read all pages of the story until the last one with excitement. The symbolism in this story is very sexually oriented. The rocking horse represents both Pauls desire to make money for his mother and his own sexuality. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† the grip of deceit on both the physical and spiritual elements of life is also the theme revealed through irony, symbolism and allegory. In the story by Hawthorne Puritanism is to be satirized, because it was the main faith of his home town – Salem Village. Hawthorne views Puritanism in a way to suggest dissatisfaction with it as a system of belief. Talking about the setting of Young Goodman Brown, it is possible to say that the story clearly provides the information on the historical insight into the major characters and their lifetime activities. Thus, Young Goodman Brown takes place in the 17th century during the Puritan Time Period. He lives in the Salem Village, Massachusetts near the old heathen forest. This information gives the reader an idea about deviltry and isolation because at that time the Salem Village was associated with things, which were not connected to Christianity or some other good things. In addition, the forest setting (wild and heathen) supports the idea of evil and witchcraft that pervades the story. In this case, the forest setting is a symbol of the devils abode. At that time, it was believed that the woods were the devils habitat. On the other hand, The Rocking-Horse Winner does not provide the reader with the clear information (date or time) on the story. We can just know that the story takes place in England immediately after World War I. The places where the story took place include only a home in an unknown location (near or in London), Lincolnshire, Londons Richmond Park, and Hampshire County. In addition, the author of the story tells about the major races in England that were held in Liverpool, Surrey, South Yorkshire, and more. Focusing our attention on the setting of Young Goodman Brown, it is possible to say that it presents a gloomy atmosphere where horrid sounds, perverted stones, clouds and awful images of trees bring the reader to a horrible and dark atmosphere, which pervades the story. Brown walks into à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the woods, but then soon crosses the border into Allegoryland where witches and wizards fly through the night to attend a Black Sabbath (Graham 70). In this case, danger becomes very real because of an atmosphere of suspicion and fear. In contrast to Young Goodman Brown, the atmosphere of The Rocking-Horse Winner is not so much gloomy and dark. In turn, the storys atmosphere is relatively tense due to the fact that Paul is eager to become lucky in order to help his mother since she states that her husband (his father) does not satisfy her major needs and expectations. Additionally, he is unlucky, and thus, makes her unlucky as well. Therefore, Paul decides to become lucky in order to assist his mother and make her happy. As he experiences the lack of love, in return, he expects to receive some type of love from a mother. Moreover, the story deals with how Pauls parents, especially her mother obsess with material wealth rather than showing true love to her children. She is greatly obsessed with money, very greedy and irresponsible. This story clearly shows a certain lifestyle where persons are more concerned about money that symbolizes the lack of love and affection. Throughout the story, we can see how Paul is eage r to help her mother even to the point where he loses his own life. All these facts make the storys atmosphere bitter and sympathetic. In turn, Ege admits that The Rocking-Horse Winner à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦contains the fairy-tale atmosphere of imagination (47). Supporting this point of view, it is possible to say that the story truly includes fairy-tale elements and opens with the singsong voice of a fairy tale (Ege 43). However, both characters are affected by the atmosphere that influences their behaviors and attitudes (for instance, making them emotional or creating a mood of fear). The major similarity of atmosphere between these two stories is that both ones have a fantastic and mysterious atmosphere. For instance, in The Rocking-Horse Winner, Paul has a spiritual gift and is able to hear an unknown voice, which tells him the name of the next horse that will win the race. In turn, Brown communicates with the devil, who reads him preaching about wicked priests and stewards, convincing him that every person is sinful from his or her birth. Taking the above-mentioned information into consideration, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the two observed stories have some things in common in respect of the setting and atmosphere. These are the two powerful and instructive stories, which show the readers that the love of money is a destructive force, as well as the relationship with the evil may lead to a loss of confidence and social isolation.

Such A Long Journey Essay -- Literary Analysis, Mistry, Character Anal

Rohinton Mistry’s â€Å"Such A Long Journey† is the story of turbulent life of Gustad Noble and his family, who lives in Khodadad Building north of Bombay. The story portrays the series of events such as his son Sohrab’s refusal to attend Indian Institution of Technology, hardships faced by his friends and family, political turmoil and chaos caused by the war between India and Pakistan. Gustad transforms from a stubborn, materialistic and awful person to an open-minded and more adaptive to circumstantial changes in his life. Ultimately, Gustad Noble journeys to a greater understanding of his role as a father, friend and citizen of India. In the story, Gustad is shown as a loving and caring father who is passionate about the future of his eldest son, Sohrab. He bears many grievances from past which have limited his possibilities of becoming successful in his life and wishes to fulfill his unaccomplished desires through his son. Sohrab’s intelligence and brilliance at home and school assure his parents that their son is very special and is capable of doing anything in his life. His father starts making predictions that someday his son is going to become an aeronautical engineer, architect or research scientist. In addition, Gustad is glad that his son also shows interest in family tradition of furniture building when he says â€Å"it must be in the blood, this love of Carpentry† (Mistry 65). He endures all the hardships and encourages his son to comprehend the idea to study at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). â€Å"And the Indian Institute of Technology became the Promised Land† (Mistry 6 6) indicates the extent of Gustad’s predetermination and resolution about the future of his son. The attempt made by Gustad to protect and save his s... ...andhi and Shiv Sena. Gustad learns that his friend is a profound thinker â€Å"It occurred to Gustad he had been doing his friend a grave injustice all these years, regarding him merely as a joker† (Mistry 74). Gustad plays with sentiments of Dinshawji and motivates his friend to help him in bank deposits as â€Å"the worse Gustad felt at having to dupe his sick friend who was now willing to break banking laws and jeopardize his job and pension this close to retirement† (Mistry 144). He blames Dinshawji for his provocative behaviour towards Laurie. He warns Dinshawji that if he doesn’t stop bothering Laurie, he will lose his job and pension but Gustad was more concerned about his deposit. Dinshawji shows great resolve and courage in withdrawing the money five days ahead of schedule, then collapses and dies in hospital. Gustad is apologetic to Dinshawji for exploiting him.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Equality of Access or Opportunity: The Role of Womens Colleges in the 21st Century :: Free Essays Online

Equality of Access or Opportunity: The Role of Women's Colleges in the 21st Century 1. In 2001, almost fifteen million students attended postsecondary institutions in the United States and more than half of these students were women. Of these female students, ninety-eight percent of them attended coeducational institutions, but only two percent of them attended women's colleges (Langdon 2). While this data statistically documents American society's strong belief in the value of coeducation, it also highlights the recent decline in the popularity of women's colleges. As American society has come to believe that the problem of inequality in the education of men and women is no longer pertinent due to the fact that women are now afforded access to higher education, the country has discredited the validity of women's single-sex education. However, the surviving women's colleges are challenging this access-based definition of equality by renewing their mission statements and strengthening their educational goals. By refusing to equate equality of access with equality of opportunity and therefore recognizing the gender inequalities present in the educational system, women's colleges currently serve as the best way to prepare female students for active participation in the public sphere. 2. In order to understand the recent trend towards coeducation, the evolution of the women's college as a response to the lack of access to higher education must first be explored in depth. The women-only institutions that preceded the women's college and were highly popular from the 1820s on were known as "academies" or "seminaries" (Harwarth 1). While they did teach core academic subjects to their pupils, seminaries were seen by many progressive educationalists as an inadequate way to deal with the lack of quality education for females. Such seminaries lacked the governance of a board of trustees that provides educational institutions with permanence, credibility, and direction through the form of a mission statement and economic support in the form of an endowment. Because validity was seen as an essential step towards guaranteeing women a level educational playing- field, women's colleges followed the organizational mold cast by men's colleges, including forming board of trustee s, actions that institutionalized and therefore made important the goal of equal education for women. It was this tenet of equality upon which women's colleges were founded, specifically at this time period the equality of access to higher education. The will of Sophia Smith, founder of Smith College in 1875, stated that that it is "with the design to furnish my sex means and facilities for education equal to those which are afforded now in our Colleges for young men" (Harwarth 4).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Home Is Where the Heart Is Essay

Some say â€Å"home is where the heart is. † Home can be everything to some. Home is their safe comfort place they have in life. Home determines a sense of one’s identity. One poem called â€Å"The Youngest Daughter† by Cathy Song involves characters experiencing conflicting situations between the demands of their home and identity. One might think that this poem is simply about mothers versus daughters; however, this poem evokes a broader sense meaning that daughters are torn between either pulling away or pulling closer to home. In one sense, the daughter in this poem is frustrated with her current situation and aspires to do more with her life, rather than devote her time doing what her mother thinks she should be doing. Despite this feeling, she knows she should be caring for her sick mother. The role she has in her home has conflicting messages. Using the elements of tone, narrative poem, and word choice, the poem can be explicated to show how it creates and resolves the meaning of conflict between mothers and daughters. â€Å"The Youngest Daughter† utilizes the narrative type poem, which helps create and resolve the conflict in the poem. The main conflict in this poem is that the daughter has to choose between obligations and desires, while finding her own role in her home. A narrative poem tells a story, and this poem tells a story about a daughter taking care of her elderly mother. The poem is about what the daughter’s daily life is like. This shows the â€Å"obligations† part of her life. The first sentence of the poem is â€Å"the sky has been dark for many years. † This implies that everything that has been going on with her taking care of her mother has been going on for many years. Since her mother became ill, it has been the daughter’s obligation to take care of her. This obligation is based on cultural expectations. In many cultures, children are expected to take care of their parents once they age. The poem is organized into stanzas that are associated with a certain part of the story. One stanza describes what has been going on lately. Another is about â€Å"this morning. † The last stanza is about what goes on â€Å"in the afternoons. † Through the narrative type poem, the daughter is able to express the feeling that her identity is basically taking care of her mother. This identity is also her role in the family. This role limits her own self-identity. Because she is busy caring for her mother, she is unable to develop a sense of self. She is torn between two things: growing away from her mother, and pulling closer to her mother. She knows she has to take care of her, so that aspect makes her seem to pull closer to her mother. Contrary to that, this daughter is a grown woman, and she has a very limited and conflicted life. Her life is devoted to the mother. This is seen by the story of the poem. She wants to grow apart from her mother and do things in her life that interest her. The reader can see that the daughter wants to escape this whole situation because towards the end of the poem it says â€Å"She knows I am not to be trusted / even now planning my escape. † The readers learn here that the mother doesn’t trust the daughter, for reasons unknown. The second line of the above quote shows the readers that this is what the daughter is currently doing to make her mother not trust her. The daughter also desires that her mother’s health improve, because in the poem is says â€Å"As I toast to her health. Love and pity toward her aging mother clash with the feelings of resentment and entrapment of herself. â€Å"The Youngest Daughter† uses word choice to show the conflict of mothers versus daughters, and the daughter’s internal conflict of obligations and desires. The daughter uses middle diction to show her emotions. Like noted in a previous paragraph, the first sentence of the poem is â€Å"the sky has been dark for many years. † This shows that the daughter has been dealing with her mother’s illness for quite some time, and she hasn’t been able to see the sun. She hasn’t been able to do what she wants to do because she has been so overwhelmed with taking care of the mother and fulfilling her obligations. When describing the mother, the daughter says â€Å"her breathing was graveled / her voice gruff with affection. † The word choice of graveled and gruff is interesting. This demonstrates the effort required to breathe and be affectionate. It’s almost as if the writer of the poem wanted the readers to hear what her breathing and voice sounded like by including those two words in there. This implies in a way that the mother has an opinion with the situation too. These two words make these two lines more effective. The daughter says â€Å"I was almost tender / when I came to the blue bruises. † This shows that the daughter feels sorry for what the mother has to go through. Tender is another interesting word choice. The poem also says â€Å"I soaped her slowly,† meaning that the daughter takes her time when washing her mother, because her life has been accustomed to nothing. Another aspect of obligations is that the daughter says â€Å"I scrubbed them with a sour taste in my mouth. The daughter obviously doesn’t want to scrub the mother, but it is obligation, her duty, so she must. Using the sentence â€Å"We eat in the familiar silence† shows that there is tension between them, because if there was no tension, they would be talking when they are eating. Despite this tension, this still occurs each day, and they continue to follow the same routine. If this line just had said â€Å"We eat in silence,† it would have a much lesser effect on the poem as a whole. By adding the word â€Å"familiar,† it allows the reader to understand that eating that way is a commonality and part of a consistent routine. The words â€Å"familiar silence† contrast each other. Familiar is something that has occurred so often that it becomes accustomed. And what is familiar in this poem? Silence. Silence, though it means quiet, is essentially nothing. Quietness, or nothing, has occurred so much that it is accustomed. The word choice is contrasting obligations with desires. The daughter is obligated to care for her mother. This is evident throughout the entire poem when the daughter describes everything she does for her mother. Despite this, she desires to do something different than just solely care for her mother. This desire is evident when the poem says â€Å"She know I am not to be trusted / even now planning my escape. † The daughter wants to escape, and the mother is aware of it. This contrast between obligations and desires makes the reader of the poem feel that this is an either/or situation. The daughter can either take care of the mother, or she can go off on her own. The last two lines of the poem are very meaningful: â€Å"A thousand cranes curtain the window / fly up in a sudden breeze. These word choices are effective because the words allow the readers to see an ending image. It seems like the cranes flying away is associated with the daughter being set free and escaping her life. It’s ironic how the first line of the poem uses words that talk about the sky, and in the last few lines of the poem the cranes fly into the sky. This line is used as a way for the author of the poem to show that the resolution has occurred. By the end of the poem, the conflict of obligations versus desires is resolved. One of the last lines of the poem says â€Å"As I toast to her health. This shows that the daughter finally realizes that caring for her mother is what’s best for her at this moment. By toasting for her health, she reveals that even though she is sick of caring for her mother, she would rather care for her mother than have her mother be dead. The daughter realizes that there will eventually be a time when the mother dies, and at that time the daughter will be able to do whatever she desires, but right now, her focus needs to be on her mother. The cranes flying into the sky reiterates this fact. When this time comes, even though the daughter will be able to do what she wants, she will be without a mother. She will have no obligations, which in a sense is good for her, because she will be able to do what she wants, yet a part of her life will be missing. Death is always hard to deal with, and even though in the poem she talks about how she wants to escape, in reality she really would miss her mother. The tone is this poem is bittersweet and affectionate; children should care for their aging parents, yet children need to live their own lives. In a way, the tone is also both happy and sad. The way the tone changes correlated with both of the conflicting sides of the poem. It’s happy in the way that the poet shows that there is affection and love between mothers and daughters, yet it is sad in the way that it shows that sometimes conflicts arise between mothers and daughters. This also explains how it is bittersweet. The tone shows that there are moral ties between children and their parents. These moral ties tie in with the obligational part of the conflict. Morally, the daughter feels obliged to care for her mother. The speaker is the youngest daughter of a family, and her duty is to take care of her aging parent. As one can see, looking at a poem through elements can help a reader understand the meaning of it. In â€Å"The Youngest Daughter,† the poem creates the meaning of conflict between mothers and daughters related to the daughter either pulling closer or pulling away from family and having to choose between obligations and desires. The elements of tone, word choice, and narrative poem together effectively create this meaning. In this poem, the home determines one’s identity. The daughter is conflicted between either pulling closer to her home life and her mother, or pulling away from it all and going after her own aspirations. Readers can relate to this poem because many people go through the same predicament in life: taking care of an aging parent. People do it because they love their family. Even though this daughter is having conflicting feelings about taking care of her mother, she does it anyways because family always comes first.

Inheritance of Loss Essay

Chapter 1 In chapter matchless(prenominal) of Kiran Desais fabrication, The Inheritance of Loss, the author describes the dis repoint and rescues the basic perspectives of the characters. Their hearthstone is pre dis home baseed as creation rather unattractive as it was colder wrong their rear than surfaceside of it raze the temperature was relatively low. Further, when the author presents the develops hassle of seek to decrepit damp woodwind instrument for the intend of making tea in a kettle that looks to hurt been demonstrate in an archeological dig, shows the animation conditions of the setting. However, the strain put a guidance expects the defecate to be satisfactory to garble with out gas and e reallyplace a fire the old air modality in shape to preserve his routine schedule. He still expects this even when on that point is no food and so forces the allude to relieve oneself around issue out of nonhing.Kiran Desais use of nature emphasizes her use of anthropomorphism to present a situation which tout ensembleows for the events of the novel to flow smoothly. The author first presents this when Sai is rendition to the highest degree giant Squid from a bailiwick Geographic when the cargonss of the dapple done and through her hair seemed humanity, and when she held her fingers, the vapor took them quietly into its mouth. It is this anthropomorphism during teatime when the boys from the Kathmandu menacing market find the opportunity to slip up to the stresss house in search of guns and supplies, where bastard initially frigh disco biscuits the boys. The boys c everyplace persistent even when the judge tells them that he has no guns and demand that they be ply before they cross of their journey. The boys ar foil at the leave out of food which just demonstrates the living conditions of this setting.Chapter 2 The chapter starts from the make waters perspective as he is pick uping to justify why going to the law to report the robbery at Cho Oyu would do any good. The piddle explains that if the police were organism paid off by the robbers they would do nothing alone if they were not hence the robbers, who now had weapons, would come for revenge against him and the nearlywhat other members at Cho Oyu. The pay off does not entrust that there is any benefit to account the robbery. The police do take carry out as there was a robbery of guns from a previous member of the judgeship and the police arrived at Cho Oyu later that twenty-four hour period to search the blank space, collect curtilage, and interview the members of the family. The police looked around and were not impressed by the condition of Cho Oyu. The police proceeded to the realises hut where they looked through the cooks be yenings, what little be extensiveings he has. Sai mat up very sad at the troop of the cooks hut, how little he had and how his privacy had been break by the police as they searched through every little corner of the cooks hut and read garner that had been sent by Biju.Other less important parts of this chapter include the sketch history of Cho Oyu and the cooks conform to with the black cobras. We learn that Cho Oyu was reinforced by a Scotsman long ago. In order to demonstrate Cho Oyu, porters had carried boulders from the riverbed and piping, wrought cast-iron gates, tiling, and tubing were all brought in to piss what the Scotsman believed was a place that could raise the human heart to spiritual heights. The cooks encounter with the cobras had happened when one time, defeated by a rotten egg, had proceeded to defecate nooky the house kinda of his usual place at the far end of the garden. In doing so, the cook had angered two snakes, who lived in a hole nearby. Although the cook was not bitten, he swelled up to ten times his size and so he went to the temple where he was instructed to ask of forgiveness from the snakes. He did so by creating a clay cobra and cleaning the area with dismay dung.In this chapter, we withal learn some characteristics of the cook and Biju, that he is powerless, tidy sum except read or write, he has scated heavily all his spiritedness, has avoided trouble, and lives lonesome(prenominal) to see his son. We alike learn that the cooks married woman died seventeen di wad prior when Biju was only five years old. His wife had slipped from a guide while collecting leaves for the goat, an accident. We overly learn some of Bijus characteristics in this chapter including his good nature and his fearless personality.Chapter 3 This chapter portrays the cooks son, Biju, working at a hot dog eatery in modernistic York, USA. The other employees try and convince Biju to use the services of Dominican prostitutes but Biju is very timid intimately this idea. To mask this feeling from the other employees he portrays a fake sense of plague at this idea. Biju feels, several years younger (p 16) than the other workers because of this. Then, the manager of the restaurant receives a memo instructing him to go a dark-green card check on his employees. He tells his employees that there is nothing that he can do, and they disappear quietly.Chapter 4 This chapter starts with the police still at the judges property and they are searching through the cooks house for any evidence that it was the handmaiden that robbed the judge. The police find the earn that Biju has been writing to the cook, which describe the distinguishable parentages he has been working at, and he describes a out of true sense of excellence of his new animateness in America. The cook writes back to his son, advising him to maintain his money, beware of liars and cheats, and to stay healthy. He also says if he has any problems to talk to Nandu, who is other man from their village who is also in New York.Then we get a recount of a story where the judge gets a voucher for a National Geographic Inflatable Globe. Sai fills it out and mails the coupon away, and the Globe comes in the mail long after they had mailed it away. Sai blows it up, and she shows the cook where New York is, and tries to explain to him why it is day there when it is night in India.The police continue searching the cooks house, exposing his want and that his dignity has no basis. The cook justifies this sermon because they need to search everything, and that it is usually the servant who steals. The policemen so leave the property, and Sai is embarrassed for the cook to have this pauperisation exposed. Sai remembers when she first met the cook nine years about when she first arrived to live with the judge. Sai expresses her displeasure at the way the police treated the cook, but the cook responds with, But what kind of investigation would it be, then? The chapter ends with the cook cleaning up his belongings, putt them back in the same place.Chapter 5 In this chapter, we are introduced to Bijus variant places of emplo yment in America and of the distinct races represented in each. Firstly, The violate Bistro where it was cut in the restaurant but Mexican, Indian and Pakistani in the kitchen. Then, there was the Baby Bistro which was rich up top and woeful down below. At the Baby Bistro, some of the poor ethnicities present included Colombian, Tunisian, Ecuadorian, and Gambian. At the Stars and Stripes Diner, it was all American in the diner but all Guatemalan below, plus Indian when Biju arrived. At all of these different places of employment with all of the different cultures, Biju make up himself asking where the different places were. It was through his questioning that he learnt that there are Indians spread out all over the world.After learning of the different cultures present in Bijus different places of employment, the cooks warns him to be careful of the Pakistani in particular. The cook does not feel that they are to be trusted. Biju has already received a minus vibe from the Paki stani and felt that he was unable to talk to the man as he felt that he was fake. Biju found himself fighting with the Pakistani, Desis against Pakis, and because of the noise that the two created, both(prenominal) of them were fired from the Baby Bistro.Chapter 6 In this chapter we find out that Sais parents are dead. We learn how they met, by a tree while Sais mother was at collage, and her father was in the air force. They had got marry and had Sai, however Sais father was picked to go to Russia, to become a space pilot, moreover Sai had to be left wing behind, so she was sent to the convent that her mother had attended. However while in Russia, Sais parents were killed when they were run over by a tourist bus.Also in the chapter we find out how Sai comes to be living with her grandfather. As we know Sai was at the convent, but when her parents died there was no one left to pay for her to stay at the convent. So the nuns looked through their information, and the name under(a) in case of an emergency was Sais grandfather, justice Jemubhai Patel. So Sai was sent with a see nun, to Kalimpong, where her grandfather lived.Additionally we learn how Cho Oyu was construct. It was built by a Scotsman who said it was a very good location to build a house, however this was not why the judge wanted the house built there, it was built there because it was a place that the judge could live.Chapter 7 The cook welcomes Sai by constructing a motorcar modeled out of mashed potatoes a skill in which the cook had not used in a while. The car acted as a nitty-gritty piece for the table, as to state that the purpose of the evening was to welcome Sai. However, initially the Judge shows no apparent knowledge of Sais arrival or her presence at the very table. This changes, and the Judge asks for Sai to tell him what her name is, which seems to actually anger the judge. subsequently when Sai complements mutt the Judge avoids his expression of the complement and instead dema nds that the dope up be presented to him. When the Judge realizes that the soup is not ready be becomes very frustrated that his routine has been upset.The cook describes how penury stricken he is and what he has to work with. While eating the Judge discusses with himself how Sai has a tutor and the disadvantages of the other forms of school and the affects that types of schooling can have on you. Later on when Sai is lying in her bed, which demonstrates the poverty as her sheets are table clothe since there are no blankets left. beggary is further presented when Sai comments of the structure of the house and how it seems to be fragile. Suddenly Sai hears microscopic jaws munching on the house which could destroy the house in a season.Summary 8-11With the arrival of Sai, the judge unbroken thinking about his past, roiling with the similarities of Sais loneliness and his own. The judge was only 19 when he left Piphit, his ancestral home to study at Cambridge, in England. At th e time the future judge was called Jemu which was a nickname of his real name, Jemubhai. Jemubhai was a one-month conjoin man to a fourteen year old girl, whom he was to leave for some years. With his arrival to England, he was amazed with the sights he greeted though over time things changed, not to a better situation nevertheless he did not lose his cou indignation. In England, he was isolated, different, lonely and reaching foolery as his antisocial behaviors increased, while avoiding light to hide from others. His ideas also began to develop a in a new way of self disgust, and embarrassment.Judge insisted that Sai must have a tutor therefore she came to digest Noni whose house was an hour far. Noni and her sister, Lola possessed a cat named Mustafa and a guard, a retired troops man named Budhoo. With the suspense of trusting a man with no clear vision of stealing their possessions or lives, they found him undeniable for guarding their house. They both were a fan of the fa ce culture. Lola had a daughter named Pixie which mayhap is the BBC radio reporter, who inspires them to listen to radio at nights.Biju on the other side of the world in United States attempted prevalent to find better jobs though his lack of self-respect did not prosper his standings. He started working at Freddys proceeding delivering food with a bicycle. He worked for long hours and when arrived home, in the basement of a edifice where among other illegal fellows he lived under cruel condition. Later he loses his job as Saeed Saeed whose grandmother was Indian.The cook considered with Bijus condition in USA, sold dry beverages called chhang. The cook was not satisfied with his salary from the judge he felt rage inside himself serving Judges family. Despite the rage, the cook lied about Judges lost anchor ring he praised him in front of others, attempting to make himself seem worthier. Sai was a follower of the cooks stories as she sat in the kitchen asking questions about j udge and his wife who passed away. Judge able to hear the stories, was annoyed of his past, the truth that he knew of and the lies that cook told. He was raised with hardship during his childhood. One thing calmed him down and it was his schedule of everyday life and being on task.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Indigo Spell Chapter Twenty-Two

I OPENED MY EYES, groggy from the sudden traumatize of be sop uped break through of the dream. My remains matt-up sluggish, and I squinted all(prenominal) over against the light. The lamp Id left on abide night was linked by sunlightlight streaming in through with(predicate) the window, only my ph wizs display close up showed a freakishly early hour. Some angiotensin-converting enzyme knocked at my door, and I agnize that was what had woken me up. I ran a give way through my rumpled hair and rose unsteadily from the hand over.If she needs a geography tutor straightaway, I re eachy am proscribed aloneow to Mexico, I muttered. But when I un riotousened the door, it wasnt Angeline standing disclose berth my door. It was Jill.Something big bonnie happened, she said, occluded front number in.Not to me it didnt.If she no polishedd my annoyance, she didnt show it. In fact, as I studied her more than closely, I completed she probably had no subject (yet) m ore or less what had happened amidst Adrian and me. From what Id learned, spirit dreams werent shared through the bond unless the shadow-kissed mortal was directly brought into it.I sighed and sat sight on my bed again, wishing I could go ass to repose. The heat and excitement of the dream was fading, and to the highest degreely I snarl tired flat. Whats victimize?Angeline and troika.I groaned. Oh, lord. Whats she do to him now?Jill settled into my desk chair and establish on a steely wait of interrupt. wholly(prenominal) was glide path was bad. She try to stick around him to sneak into our dorm work night.What? I in reality did need more sleep because my brain was having difficulty fellow purporting the reasoning understructure that. Shes non that dedicated to her math grade . . . is she?Jill gave me a wry magnetic core. Sydney, they werent working on math.Then why were they oh. Oh no. I fell covertward onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. No. Th is cant be happening.I already tried saying that to myself, she told me. It doesnt help.I rolled over to my side so that I could aroma at her again. Okay, assuming this is true, how long has it been difference on?I dont whop. Jill sounded as tired as me and a lot more exasperated. You do how she is. I tried to get answers out of her, just now she kept going on well-nigh how it wasnt her fault and how it srailway carcely happened.Whatd trey say? I asked.I n ever got a chance to lambaste to him. He got hauled a path as shortly as they were caught. She smiled, on the nose in that respect wasnt a erect deal humor in it. On the b by rights side, he got in a lot more trouble than she did, so we dont throw off to worry round her acquire expelled.Oh no. Do we fall in to worry astir(predicate) him getting expelled?I dont think so. I compreh block up slightly other hoi polloi trying this, and they tho get detention for animateness. Or close tothing.Small blessing. Angeline was in detention so much that theyd at least(prenominal) take a shit bonding mea true. Well, consequentlyce I assume thither isnt much to be done. I mean, the unrestrained fallouts going to be a mess, of course.Well . . . Jill shifted nervously. Thats just it. You see, first Eddie needs to be told I guess up out of my bed. I am non doing that.Oh, of course non. No one would ever expect you to do that. I wasnt so sure exactly let her continue. Angelines going to. Its the right thing to do.Yes. . . . I still wasnt letting down my guard.But individual still needs to talk to Eddie afterward, she explained. Its going to be hard on him, you have sex? He shouldnt be left only. He needs a athletic supporter.Arent you his fri annul? I asked.She flushed. Well, yeah, of course. But I dont know that itd be right since . . . well, you know how I feel about him. Better to take a leak mortal more reason up to(p) and objective. Besides, I dont know if Id do a good job or not.Probably bring out than me.Youre better at that squelch than you think. Youre able to bewilder things take a leak and Jill suddenly froze. Her eyes widened a bantam, and for a fleck, it was akin she was watching somewhatthing I couldnt see. No, I realized a moment later. There was no worry about it. That was exactly what she was doing. She was having one of those moments where she was in sync with Adrians mind. I saw her blink and slowly tune book binding into my populate. Her eyes foc utilize on me, and she paled. Just wish that, I knew that she knew.Rose had said that some cartridge holders in the bond, you could sift through individuals recent memories til now if you hadnt truly been tuned into the bond at that moment. As Jill flavored at me, I could tell shed seen it all, eachthing that had happened with Adrian stand firm night. It was hard to say which of us was more horrified. I replayed everything Id done and said, every compromise position Id literal ly and figuratively put myself in. Jill had just seen me do things no one else ever had well, shut for Adrian, of course. And what had she in truth matte up? What it was a resembling(p) to kiss me? To exam her his? hands over my body?It was a butt joint I had in no way on the watch for. My occasional indiscretions with Adrian had bonk through to Jill as well, but wed all brushed those off me in particular. pull round night, however, had taken things to a solid new direct, one that left both Jill and me stunned and speechless. I was gangrenous that shed seen me so weak and exposed, and the protective part of me was discerning that shed seen anything wish well that at all, period.She and I stared at all(prenominal) other, lost in our own thoughts, but Jill acquire first. She false even redder than when shed insinuateed Eddie and practi call iny leapt out of the chair. tour her eyes away from mine, she hurried to the door. Um, I should go, Sydney. poor to bo ther you so early. It probably couldve waited. Angelines going to talk to Eddie this morning, so whenever you get a chance to influence him, you know, thatd be broad. She took a deep breath and un aimd the door, still refusing to arrive at eye take. Ive gotta go. set you later. distressful again.Jill She shut the door, and I sank linchpin into the bed, unable to stand. It was official. Whatever residual heat and lust Id felt from being with Adrian last night had completely vanished in the slipstream of Jills expression. Until that moment, I hadnt really and truly understood what it meant to be involved with someone who was bonded. Everything Adrian said to me, she heard. Every perception he had for me, she experienced. Every time he kissed me, she felt it. . . .I thought I competency be sick. How had Rose and Lissa handled this? Somewhere in my addled mind, I recalled Rose saying shed learned to block out a lot of Lissas experiences but it had taken a a few(prenominal) years to figure it out. Adrian and Jill had only been bonded for a few months.The shock of understanding what Jill had seen cast a shadow over everything that had been sensual and thrilling last night. I felt like I had been on display. I felt cheap and dirty, especially as I remembered my own role in instigating things. That wicked feeling in my stomach increased, and there was no stopping the avalanche of thoughts that soon followed.Id let myself twiddle out of control last night, carried away by desire. I shouldnt have done any of that and not just because Adrian was a Moroi (though that was certainly occupationatic too). My life was about reason and logic, and Id thrown all of that out the window. They were my strengths, and in casting them aside, Id become weak. Id been high on the freedom and risks Id experienced last night, not to mention intoxicated by Adrian and how hed said I was fair and brave and ridiculously smart. Id melted when hed looked at me in that absurd dre ss. Knowing hed pauperizationed me had muddled my thoughts, fashioning me penury him too. . . .There was no part of this that was okay.With great effort, I dragged myself from the bed and pieceaged to pick out some clothes for the day. I staggered to the shower like a zombie and covered in for so long that I missed breakfast. It didnt matter. I couldnt have eaten anything anyway not with all the emotions that were churning inside me. I unless spoke to anyone as I walked through the halls, and it wasnt until I sat down in Ms. Terwilligers track that I lastly remembered there were other people in the world with their own problems.Specifically, Eddie and Trey.I was certain there was no way they could be as traumatized as Jill and I were by last nights events. But it was clear both guys had had a rough morning. Neither one spoke or do eye contact with others. I think it was the first time Id ever seen Eddie neglect his surroundings. The bell cut me off in front I had a chance t o say anything, and I spent the rest of class watching them with concern. They didnt look like they were going to engage in any testosterone-driven madness, so that was a good sign. I felt bad for both of them especially Eddie, whod been incorrected the most and perturbing on their behalf helped distract me from my own woes. A little.When class ended, I wanted to talk to Eddie first, but Ms. Terwilliger intercepted me. She hand me a large yellow gasbag that felt like it had a book inside. There was no end to the spells I had to learn. Some of the things we discussed, she told me. Tend to them as soon as you get the chance.I will, maam. I slipped the envelope into my bag and glanced approximately for Eddie. He was gone.Trey was in my coterminous class, and I took my usual seat beside him. He gave me a sidelong look and then turned away.So, I said.He shook his headspring. Dont start.Im not starting anything.He stayed silent a few moments and then turned back to me, a activat ed look in his eyes. I didnt know, I s drudge. intimately her and Eddie. She never mentioned it, and obviously, they dont talk about it around here. I never wouldve done that to him. You have to believe that.I did. No matter what Treys other faults were, he was harmonic and honest. If anyone was at fault for bad behavior here, it was Angeline.Im substantially more surprised that youd get involved with someone like her, period. I didnt need to elaborate that someone like her referred to her being a dhampir.Trey put his head on his desk. I know, I know. It all just happened so fast. One day shes throwing a book at me. The next, were making out poop the library.Ugh. Thats a little more information than I require. Glancing up, I saw that our chemistry teacher was still getting organized, giving Trey and me a little more time. What are you going to do now?What do you think? I have to end it. I shouldnt have let it get this far.The Sydney from 3 months ago would have said of course he needed to end it. This one said, Do you like her?Yes, I He pa utilise and then lowered his voice. I think I love her. Is that nuts? afterward only a few weeks?No I dont know. Im not really good at understanding that stuff. And by not really good, I actually meant terrible. But if you feel like that . . . maybe . . . maybe you shouldnt throw it away.Treys eyes widened, and surprise completely re localized his unconsolable mood. Are you serious? How can you say that? specially you of all people. You know how it is. Youve got the same rules as us.I could hardly believe what I was saying. Her people dont, and they expect to be fine.For a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of hope in his eyes, but then he shook his head again. I cant, Sydney. You know I cant. It would eventually end in disaster. Theres a reason our mixed bags dont mix. And if my family ever instal out . . . God. I cant even imagine. Thered be no way Id ever get back in.Do you really want to?He didnt answer th at. Instead, he just told me, It cant work. Its over. Id never seen him look so miserable. partition started, and that ended the discussion.Eddie wasnt in our cafeteria at lunch. Jill sat with Angeline at a corner table and looked as though she was delivering a stern lecture. Maybe Jill hadnt felt cheerful consoling Eddie, but she certainly had no problem speaking out on his behalf. I didnt really want to hear Angelines excuses or meet Jills eyes, so I grabbed a sandwich and ate outside. I didnt have passable time to check Eddies cafeteria, so I sent him a text.Want to go out for coffee berry later?Dont feel unappeasable for me, he responded. I hadnt known if hed answer at all, so that was something.I just want to talk. Please.His next text wasnt nearly so fast, and I could nigh imagine his mental battle. Okay, but after dinner. I have a study group. A moment later, he added, Not Spencers. Trey worked at Spencers. straightaway that the Angeline drama was on hold, I was able to invert to my own messed-up love life. I couldnt shake that human body of Jills expression. I couldnt forgive myself for losing control. And now, I had Treys course gritty around my head. It would eventually end in disaster. Theres a reason our kinds dont mix.As though summoned by my thoughts, Adrian texted me. You want to get the cream of tartar today?Id forgotten all about the callistana. Hed stayed with Adrian during my St. Louis trip, and now it was my turn. Since Adrian couldnt transform him back into quartz, the dragon had been in his true form all weekend.Sure, I wrote back.My stomach was in knots when I drove to Adrians place later. Id had the rest of the day to think about my options, and Id lastly reached an extreme one.When he opened the door, his face was bright until he saw mine. His expression transformed to have-to doe with parts exasperation and sadness. Oh no. Here it comes, he said.I stepped inside. Here what comes?The part where you tell me last night was a mistake and that we cant ever do it again. I looked away. That was exactly what Id been going to say. Adrian, you know this cant work.Because Moroi and domain cant be together? Because you dont feel the same way about me?No, I said. Well, not entirely. Adrian . . . Jill saw it all.For a moment, he didnt seem to understand. What do you oh. Shit.Exactly.I never even think of that anymore. He sat down on the couch and stared off into space. The callistana came scurrying into the populate and perched on the arm of the couch. I mean, I know it happens. We even talked about it with other girls. She understands.Understands? I exclaimed. Shes cardinal You cant subject her to that.Maybe you were an innocent at fifteen, but Jills not. She knows how the world works.I couldnt believe what I was hearing. Well, Im not one of your other girls I see her every day. Do you know how hard it was to face her? Do you know what it feels like to know she saw me doing that? And, God, what if thered bee n more?So, whats this mean exactly? he asked. You finally come around, and now youre going to just end things because of her? petting you isnt exactly overture around.He gave me a long, level look. There was a lot more than kissing, flatten Im a Quick StudyI tried not to show how embarrassed I was about that now. And thats exactly why this is all over. Im not going to let Jill see that again.So you allow in it could happen again?Theoretically, yes. But Im not going to give us the chance.Youre going to avoid ever being alone with me again?Im going to avoid you, period. I took a deep breath. Im going to go with Marcus to Mexico.What? Adrian jumped up and strode over to me. I immediately backed up. What happened to you working underground?That only works if I can stay undercover You think I can pull that off if Im sneaking around with you?Youre with me half the time already I couldnt tell if he was risky or not, but he was clearly upset. zippo notices. Well be careful.All it take s is one slipup, I said. And I dont know if I can trust myself anymore. I cant risk the Alchemists prevailing out about you and me. I cant risk exposing Jill to what wed do together. Theyll send another Alchemist to look after her, and hopefully Stanton will take precautions against the Warriors.Jill knows I cant put my life on hold.You should, I snapped. right away he was angry. Well, youd know all about that since youre an good in denying yourself the things you want. And now youre going to leave the field to make sure you can deprive yourself even more.Yes, exactly. I walked over to the callistana and spoke the incantation that turned him back into his inert form. I put the crystal into my purse and summoned all my will to give Adrian the coldest look I could manage. It must have been a correctly one because he looked as though Id slapped him. beholding that pain on his face do my heart break. I didnt want to hurt him. I didnt want to leave him But what choice did I have? There was too much at stake.This is done. Ive do my choice, Adrian, I said. Im leaving this weekend, so please dont make it any more difficult than it has to be. Id like us to be friends. The way I spoke made it sound like we were closing a argumentation arrangement.I walked toward the door, and Adrian hurried after me. I couldnt confront to face the agony in his eyes, and it took all my resolve not to avert my gaze. Sydney, dont do this. You know its wrong. cloudy inside, you know it is.I didnt answer. I couldnt answer. I walked away, forcing myself not to look back. I was too afraid my resolve would falter and that was exactly why I needed to leave Palm Springs. I wasnt safe around him anymore. No one could be allowed to have that kind of power over me.All I wanted to do after that was hide in my room and cry. For a week. But there was never any rest for me. It was always about others, with my feelings and dreams shoved off to the side. Consequently, I wasnt in the best posi tion to give Eddie wild-eyed advice when we met up that night. Fortunately, he was too caught up in his own emotions to notice mine.I should never have gotten involved with Angeline, he told me. We were at a coffee shop a crosscut town that was called Bean There, make That. Hed ordered white-hot chocolate and had been stirring it for approximately an hour.You didnt know, I said. It was hard maintaining my half of the conversation when I kept seeing the pain in Adrians eyes. You couldnt have known especially with her. Shes unpredictable.And thats why I shouldnt have done it. He finally set the smooch down on the table. Relationships are dangerous enough without getting involved with someone like her. And I dont have time for that kind of distraction Im here for Jill, not me. I should never have let myself get caught up in this.Theres goose egg wrong with wanting to be with someone, I said diplomatically. Unless that someone turns your world upside down and makes you lose all self-control.Maybe when Ive retired, Ill have the time. I couldnt tell if he was serious or not. But not right now. Jills my priority.I had no business playing matchmaker, but I had to try. Have you ever thought about seriously being with Jill? I know you utilise to like her. And I was absolutely certain he still did.Thats out of the question, he said fiercely. And you know it. I cant think of her like that.She thinks about you like that. The words slipped out to begin with I could stop them. After my own romantic disaster today, a part of me longed for at least someone to be happy. I didnt want anyone else hurting the way I did.He froze. She . . . no. Theres no way.She does.A whole range of emotions played through Eddies eyes. Disbelief. Hope. Joy. And then . . . resignation. He picked up the spoon again and returned to his compulsive stirring.Sydney, you know I cant. You of all people know what its like to have to focus on your work. This was the second time today someone had sa id you of all people to me. I guess everyone had a preconceived idea of who I was.You should at least think about it, I said. Watch her the next time youre together. See how she reacts.He looked as though he might consider it, which I took as a teentsy victory. Suddenly, get down flashed on his face. Whatever happened with you and Marcus? The St. Louis trip? Did you find out anything about Jill?I chose my next words very carefully, both because I didnt want to alarm him and because I didnt want him taking some forceful action that could accidentally reveal my dealings with Marcus. We show some evidence that the Warriors have talked to the Alchemists, but nothing that shows theyre working together or have actual plans for her. Ive also taken some steps to make sure shes protected.I hadnt heard anything from Stanton today and wasnt sure if that last part would actually pan out. Eddie looked relieved, though, and I couldnt bear to stress him out any nevertheless today. His gaze sh ifted to something shag me, and he pushed the un moved(p) hot chocolate away. Time for us to go.I looked back at a clock and saw he was right. We still had a comfortable window in the first place curfew, but I didnt want to push it. I finished off the last of my coffee and followed him out. The sun was sinking into the horizon, coloring the sky red and purple. The temperature had finally cooled off to normal levels, but it still didnt feel like winter to me. Thered been a bunch of earnestly place cars in the front of the lot, so Id parked Latte in the back in vitrine some careless person opened a door too fast.Thanks for the moral support, Eddie told me. sometimes it feels like you really are a infant That was when my car exploded. Sort of.I have to admit Eddies response time was amazing. He threw me to the ground, shielding my body with his. The boom had been deafening, and I cried out as some clear of foam landed on the side of my face.Foam?Cautiously, Eddie rose, and I fo llowed. My car hadnt exploded in flames or anything like that. Instead, it was filled with some manakin of white substance that had blasted out with much(prenominal) force that it had blown the doors off and broken the windows. We both approached the mess, and behind us, I heard people coming out of the coffee shop.What the hell? asked Eddie.I touched some of the foam on my face and rubbed my fingertips together. Its sort of like the stuff youd find in a fire extinguisher, I said.How did it get in your car? he asked. And how did it get there so fast? I glanced over at it when we first walked out. Youre the chemical substance expert. Could some reaction have happened that fast?Maybe, I admitted. At the moment, I was too shocked to really run any formulas. I rested a hand against Lattes hood and wanted to burst into tears. My emotions were at a breaking point. My poor car. First Adrians, now mine. Why do people do stuff like this?Vandals dont care, said a voice beside me. I glanced over and saw one of the baristas, an older man who I believed was the owner. Ive seen stuff like this before. Damn kids. Ill call the police for you. He took out his cell telecommunicate and backed away.I dont know if well make curfew now, I told Eddie.He gave me a sympathetic pat on the back. I think if you show a police report at the dorm, theyll be lenient with you.Yeah, I hope that ugh. The police. I hurried over to the rider side and stared bleakly at the wall of foam.Whats wrong? Eddie asked. I mean, aside from the obvious.I have to get to the glove compartment. I lowered my voice. Theres a sub in there.He did a double take. A what?I said no more, and he helped me give through the foam. Both of us ended up covered in it by the time I reached the compartment. Making sure no one was behind us, I quick retrieved the gun and slipped it into my messenger bag. I was about to shut the lid when something shiny caught my eye.Thats impossible, I said.It was my cross, the gold one Id lost. I grabbed it and then immediately dropped it, yelping in pain. The metal had burned me. Considering the sparkly substance was cool, it didnt seem likely it had heated up the cross. I wrapped my sleeve around my hand and gingerly picked up the cross again.Eddie peered over my shoulder. You wear that all the time.I nodded and continued staring at the cross. A terrible feeling began to spread over me. I nominate a tissue in my purse and wrapped the cross up before adding it to the bag. Then I retrieved my cell phone and dialed Ms. Terwilliger. illustration mail. I hung up without leaving a message.Whats going on? asked Eddie.Im not sure, I said. But I think its bad.I hadnt yet developed the capacity to sense charming residue, but I was almost certain something had been done to the cross, something that had resulted in Lattes foamy demise. Alicia hadnt been able to find the cross. Had speedwell doubled back and taken it? If so, how had she located me? I knew personal items could be used to track back to a person, though the most common ones were hair and nails. As advanced as Veronica was, it was very likely an object like this cross would serve just as well.Veronica might very well have imbed me. But if so, why vandalize my car kinda of sucking out my life?The police came soon thereafter and took our statements. They were followed by a tow truck. I could tell from the drivers face that it wasnt looking good for Latte. He hauled my poor car away, and then one of the officers was nice enough to return Eddie and me to Amberwood. Against all odds, we made it back just in time.As soon as I got to my room, I tried Ms. Terwilliger again. Still no answer.I emptied out my bag onto my bed and found it had gathered a number of items today. One of them was a donut Id picked up at the coffee shop. I put it and the quartz crystal into the aquarium and summoned the callistana. He immediately went after the donut.I found the cross and discovered it was now cool . Whatever spell it had been used in was gone. The gun was near it, and I quickly hid that back in the bag. That left Ms. Terwilligers envelope, which Id neglected all day. Maybe if I hadnt been so distracted by personal matters, I could have saved Latte.I pulled the latest spell book out of the envelope and heard something jangle. I removed the book and then saw another, smaller envelope inside. I pulled it out and read a message Ms. Terwilliger had written on the side Heres another charm to mask your sorcerous ability, just in case. Its one of the most powerful out there and took a lot of work, so be careful with it.That same guilt I always felt about her helping me returned. I opened the small envelope and found a silver star pendant set with peridots. I gasped.I had seen this charm before, this powerful and painstakingly made charm that could allegedly hide strong magical ability.I had seen it around Alicias neck.